Information about Cuckooing and County Lines

What is Cuckooing?

Cuckooing is when someone you don’t know takes over your home and uses it as a place to sell, supply or store drugs.

What is County Lines?

County Lines is when drug dealers travel to different areas to sell drugs. This includes Devon and Cornwall. They use mobile phones to sell drugs and ‘cuckoo’ taking over people’s homes.

Things to look out for

Someone who stays in your home longer than you want them to. Someone who takes over your home and does what they want in your home.
Someone who threatens or hurts you or someone who invites other people to stay in your home without asking you.
Someone who pays bills for, offers you drugs or gives you gifts or cash or someone who sells, or supplies drugs from your home or stores them in your home. Sometime people even block off your doors so people can’t get in.

What to do to keep safe

Make sure your windows and doors are shut and locked and do not give your door key to anyone.
If someone tries to get in to your home and you don’t feel safe phone the Police on 999. Tell the Police it could be ‘Cuckooing’.
You should also tell your local Police Officer, Housing Officer, Doctor or Drug and Alcohol worker.

Where to get advice or help if you are worried

Talk to your local Police Officer or PCSO
Contact the Devon and Cornwall Victim Care Unit

Visit the Victim Care Unit website

Talk to your Doctor

For information about Drug and alcohol services

Talk to Frank – Honest information about drugs

Talk to Frank website

With thanks to Dawn from the Crownhill Comms Room and Plymouth People First who worked with Devon and Cornwall Police to produce this information.